The Specials Tariff is important to ensure confidence and best practice within the sector
In response to an article in The Daily Telegraph June 22 nd , the APSM, Association of Pharmaceutical Specials Manufacturers, has spoken out in support of the Specials Tariff, a system that was introduced by the DOH to create a more transparent process for reimbursing specials, linking the cost of reimbursement to the cost of the product, while providing value for money for the NHS. Since the introduction of the Specials Tariff in November 2011, the average cost per item has fallen by 25% (from £180 to £135). The Specials Tariff was set using a system similar to that used for the calculation of the price of category M generics. Under a memorandum of understanding (MOU), licensed specials manufacturers provided sales information to the DOH, which has been used to set a reimbursement price that includes margin. These prices take into the account the high quality manufacturing processes that must be adhered to by companies wishing to supp...