APSM WELCOMES GPhC SPECIALS GUIDANCE – but says more education and support is needed for pharmacists
The Association of Pharmaceuticals Specials Manufacturers (APSM) has welcomed the recent initiative by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) to introduce guidance for pharmacists preparing unlicensed medicines. Although extemporaneous preparation (Section 10 exemption) is only intended for use in emergencies, it is nonetheless an essential part of the overall specials supply chain. Patient safety is a priority for all parties concerned and in the past decade we have seen huge investment in process and systems by the Department of Health and Specials Manufacturers alike. This investment, combined with the stringent quality requirements of the MHRA for MS licensed Specials manufacturers, means that the UK specials sector is one of the safest in the world. As GPhC Chief Executive Duncan Rudkin stated, ‘ patients have the right to expect unlicensed medicines to be of the same quality as their licensed equivalents’ . Through legislation and best practice ...