Specials White Paper - Value and quality for the NHS
N EW White Paper – How Specials can deliver value to the NHS without compromising patient safety. The APSM, Association of Pharmaceutical Specials Manufacturers, has launched a White Paper which for the first time attempts to attribute an economic value to the provision of unlicensed medicines within the NHS. The paper takes a series of typical patient scenarios where a Special is indicated and then identifies the potential cost to the NHS of attempting to meet patient need with a lower cost, or higher risk alternative. In all of these cases this additional cost has exceeded that of providing a special and sourcing it according to established guidance. The White Paper was commissioned in the light of growing concern about cost pressures leading to higher risk practice in the supply chain. Striking the balance between cost and quality Specials account for approximately 1% of prescription costs and in recent years, as part of overall pressure on NHS budgets, the c...