
Showing posts from December, 2015

APSM corrects Daily Mail article market stats

An article published today (8 December 2015)  in the Daily Mail ‘High Street Chemists who charge the NHS £300 for skin creams that should cost £12’, contains a number of significant inaccuracies about the Specials market and APSM activities.     Here follows the APSM response to the facts presented within the article. DAILY MAIL QUOTE:  The practice has been exposed by the BAD which says up to £400m a year of taxpayers’ money is being wasted on paying too much for these treatments.  Even 2% salicylic acid cream which can be effective for these conditions costs the NHS £75m per year. APSM Response:  Dermatology Specials are a small proportion of Specials spend in primary care – approximately £1m per year. The total spend on Specials in England in 2014 was £89.5million in primary care.  A very small percentage of this is for dermatology specials through community pharmacy.    Only a small number of Dermatology products a...