Specials record another year of delivering increased value to the NHS
The Specials Market in primary care was just over £ 80.5 million for the 12 month period Oct 15 - Sep 16. Although the market continues to decline year-on-year, it is now stabilising following a period of readjustment in the wake of the Specials Tariff in November 2011. During this time the mean cost per item has reduced from £180 per item before the tariff in Nov 2011, to an average £116 for the same 12 month period to Sep 2016. Whilst this represents value for money to the NHS, at the same time the high standards of quality involved in Specials manufacture have needed to be maintained. According to the Association of Pharmaceutical Specials Manufacturers, APSM, members report continued investment in infrastructure and quality processes to meet the increasing regulatory demands required by the sector. To reflect the increased complexity of the market, l ast year (2016), the Association of Pharmaceutical Specials Manufacturers, APSM, decided to broaden its mem...