There are positive signs that the balance between cost and quality is being restored in the Specials market – certainly according to the latest annual Specials Survey, conducted by the APSM. For the first time since the survey began in 2012, fewer pharmacists are referring to CCGs as the first source of advice about dispensing Specials (34% compared with 52.5% in 2013), turning instead to RPS Guidelines (47.5%) or the GP (47%). However, there is still evidence of pressure to reduce Specials spend with almost two thirds of pharmacists stating that they are monitoring spend on Specials, or that they are being asked by their CCGs to reduce or monitor Specials dispensing. The APSM Survey also points to the fact that pharmacists have a good understanding of Specials (over 75 % feel they have enough information or experience compared with 57% in 2013) and have a positive view of the role of Specials, with 80% agreeing that they are essential to meet the special clinica...