APSM expands membership to reflect changing role of specials industry

The Association of Pharmaceutical Specials Manufacturers, APSM, has broadened its membership criteria to include importers as well as virtual Specials manufacturing organisations who own the rights to, and act as the first supplier of, a Specials medicine in the UK.
Originally founded to represent the interests of holders of a Specials Manufacturing Licence, the APSM has an important role liaising with the DH and key policy makers as well as inputting into decisions around new legislation and Specials guidance.
The decision to broaden membership to the wider supply chain reflects the changing shape of the Specials market, particularly over the last 5 years following the introduction of the Specials Tariff alongside a developing regulatory framework and professional guidance around Specials.  Influencing and responding to issues in this changing market has also become a more important role for the APSM.
APSM Chair, Sharon Griffiths, said, “The decisions and actions we take now have implications for the entire supply chain and we need to give other organisations who have an interest in this market an opportunity to contribute to those decisions.”
Our ultimate goal is to maintain a sustainable Specials sector that provides high quality, safe medicines to patients – we’re looking forward to working with more organisations who share this vision.
For details of membership please contact the APSM Membership Director Brian Fisher via email: brian.fisher@quantunpharma.co.uk

A membership pack can be downloaded from the website www.apsm-uk.com

We welcome applications for membership from the following organisations.
·       Manufacturers of Specials medicines that operate under an MHRA Specials Manufacturing authorisation
·       Importers of unlicensed medicines that operate as first supplier of these to the UK market
·       Companies that own the rights to, and supply Specials medicines, as the first supplier to the UK market


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